37TH Anniversary Dinner (2018) 第37届年庆晚宴

37TH Anniversary Dinner (2018) 第37届年庆晚宴

Singapore Iron Works Merchant Association (SIWMA) is organizing her 37th Anniversary Dinner on 9th November 2018 at Qian Xi (Paya Lebar) Restaurant, Tanjong Katong Complex 845 Geylang Road #04-09, Singapore 400845. It was our great pleasure that The Senior Minister of...
35th Anniversary Dinner (2016) 庆祝成立35周年会庆宴会

35th Anniversary Dinner (2016)

成立35周年纪念庆典: 2016年12月9日,本会为庆祝成立35周年,在珍辉阁酒楼(大巴窑)举行会庆晚宴,共70席,场面盛大,为成立以来首见,在此向所有支持和赞助者致谢。 与会会员及赞助商均获得一个goodie bag,内含特刊一册及本会印制的2017年日历一份。 晚宴的主宾是中华总商会会长蔡其生先生,其他贵宾有SSSS会长Mr. Anthony Tan,马来西亚霹雳机器厂商公会会长廖志明先生以及该会的总务等共4位。 本会当晚也捐赠1万元给智障人士福利促进会(MINDS),该会的“击鼓”小组受邀在宴会开始时呈献节目。...
34th Anniversary Dinner (2015) 庆祝成立34周年会庆宴会

34th Anniversary Dinner (2015)

本会于2015年12月11日(星期五)晚上,在万兴酒楼(港湾)举行庆祝成立34周年的会庆晚宴,得到会员及同业商家的热烈支持,使得当晚筵开43席,嘉宾满堂,气氛十分热闹。 当晚的主宾是我国淡滨尼集选区国会议员鍾丽慧小姐,嘉宾有Singapore Structural Steel Society,的会长Mr. Anthony Tan,马来西亚霹雳机器厂商公会会长廖志明先生和该会多位代表、本会诸位永久名誉会长、荣誉会长和荣誉董事等等。...
20th Anniversary Dinner (2001/2002) 庆祝20周年联欢宴会

20th Anniversary Dinner (2001/2002)

President for SIWMA 11th Exco – Mr Tay Kwong Soong present an award to our legal advisor Mr Lim Yong 郑光顺会长颁发奖状给法律顾问林勇大律师 11th Executive Committee Members 第11届(2001/2002)委员 “Yam Seng” Together 敬酒 Blowing the Candles on Special Birthday Cake for SIWMA...
12th Anniversary Dinner (1993/1994) 庆祝12周年联欢宴会

12th Anniversary Dinner (1993/1994)

Arrival of Guests 来宾莅临 “Yam Seng” Together 敬酒 Prizes on Stage 台上礼品 Lucky Draw 幸运抽奖 Lucky Draw 幸运抽奖 Lucky Winners 幸运得奖者 Dancing shows and contestants 舞蹈比赛 Dancing shows and contestants 舞蹈比赛 Dancing shows and contestants...
2th Anniversary Dinner (1983/1984) 庆祝2周年联欢宴会

2th Anniversary Dinner (1983/1984)

Group Photo of the 2nd Committee Members 第2届(1983/1984)委员 Group Photo of the Partial 2nd Committee Members 第2届(1983/1984)部分委员 Arrival of Honorable Consultant, Mr Othman Haron Eusofe (Members of Parliament – Geylang Serai 1988-2001) 名誉顾问Othman Haron Eusafe先生...


凡经营与铁器有关厂商,赞同本会宗旨者, 皆可申请加入本会为普通会员。

Ordinary membership is open to all ironwork merchant or companies who agree with the objective of the Association.
Join us as member, a strong community will help each other grow.