Golf Tournament 2018 Photo Gallery

The Singapore Iron Works Merchant Association (SIWMA) organized the 6th Network Golf Tournament on 24th May 2018 (Thu) at the Raffles Country Club to enhance and promote interaction and networking amongst members and associates.

The Singapore Iron Works Merchant Association (SIWMA) has chosen the Raffles Country Club to host the 6th Network Golf Tournament because it will be memorable to us as this country club will be permanently closed in July 2018. It will soon become part of the history of Singapore.

At the same time, in order to raise funds for our club property and activities, the Singapore Iron Works Merchant Association called on merchants and members to contribute generously to the sponsorships of the packages.


Golf Tournament 2018 Dinner Photo Gallery

新加坡铁厂商公会订于2018 年 5月 24日(星期四)在来佛士乡村俱乐部举办第6届高尔夫球联谊赛,以促进仝业,会员们的联系与交流,我们也备有丰富的优胜奖品与幸运抽奖将被领取。
